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Our customers are companies in the manufacturing, agribusiness or service sectors who want to maximize the efficiency performance and savings of their plants or production process.


ALKEEMIA - Chemical Sector

Orange Start Service: at the Alkeemia hydrofluoric acid factory in Porto Marghera (VE), enhancement, efficiency and revamping measures were proposed for a total saving of around 10% of annual consumption.

ICIB - Chemical Sector

Green Air Service: at the chemical plant in the province of Bergamo, following the installation of a compressor room management system and the implementation of a proactive maintenance plan to contain losses, savings amounted to € 28,000 / year, equal to about 18% of the compressed air produced.

Plastipak - Chemical Sector

White Plus Service: at the industrial production plant of PET in the province of Verbano Cusio Ossola, a 3.2 MWe cogeneration plant was installed with cooling energy production which generated a saving of 2,200 toe / year, corresponding to 11,700 MWhe / year. 2,800 TEEs / year were generated, corresponding to € 700,000 / year.

Europizzi - Textile Sector

White Plus Service: at the industrial factory for the production of chemicals for the textile industry in the province of Bergamo, the current diathermic oil boiler and 10 ton evaporator will be replaced with a new high energy efficiency direct production steam boiler. The intervention will generate savings of methane and electricity of around € 67,500 / year, in addition to 155 toe / year, corresponding to € 39,000 / year for 7 years. Overall, in 7 years, savings and incentives will be generated for € 742,000..

MITI - Textile Sector

White Plus Service: at the Industrial Fabric Production Plant in the province of Bergamo, a heat recovery operation will be carried out from a rameuse that will generate savings of 280 toe / year, corresponding to 3,300 MWhth / year. 280 TEE / year will be generated, corresponding to € 70,000 / year.


Blue Service: At the hotel facility in the province of Padua, the construction of a geothermal system for heating buildings and the consequent reporting of Blue Certificates - thanks to the measurement instruments installed by Whitenergy - allowed the company to generate incentivized geothermal energy equal to 1,500 MWh / year, for a value of Blue Certificates generated of € 33,000 / year.


Blue Service: At the hotel facility in the province of Aosta, the implementation of a district heating network and the consequent reporting of the Blue Certificates allowed the company to generate incentivized energy coming from biomasses, equal to 1,100 MWh / year, for a value of Certificates Blue generated of € 25,000 / year.


Orange Start service: at the hospital premises, in the province of Milan, an action related to the construction of a district heating plant will allow the Hospital to generate incentivized geothermal energy for 24,000 MWh / year, equal to about € 500,000 per year of incentive. Whitenergy took care of the access practices to the Blue Certificates.

ALBANI E RUGGIERI - Agricultural Sector

Blue Geo service: at the nursery in the province of Rome, the construction of a geothermal system for the heating of the greenhouses (20 ha) and the consequent reporting of the Blue Certificates -thanks to the measurement instruments installed by Whitenergy- has enabled the generation of incentivized geothermal energy equal to 8,000 MWh / year, for a value of Blue Certificates generated of € 180,000 / year.

CENTRO LATTE BONIZZI - Food and beverage

White Plus Service: at the nursery in the province of Rome, the construction of a geothermal system for the heating of the greenhouses (20 ha) and the consequent reporting of the Blue Certificates -thanks to the measurement instruments installed by Whitenergy- has enabled the generation of incentivized geothermal energy equal to 8,000 MWh / year, for a value of Blue Certificates generated of € 180,000 / year.

BONOLLO - Food and beverage

Blue Bio Service: at the distillery, the construction of a district heating network powered by a biomass boiler and industrial by-products; the consequent use of heat for the production process and for the heating of buildings, allowed the company to generate incentivized annual energy from biomass equal to 32,000 MWh / year, for a value of Blue Certificates generated of € 700,000 / year.

SAPLO - Food and beverage

White Plus Service: the plant producing barley malt in the province of Rome, the installation of high-efficiency aluminum plate condensing recuperators in malt dryers, resulted in an annual savings of 240 toe of methane gas, amounting to € 200,000 / year.