UNI CEI 11352:2014
Whitenergy is certified under UNI CEI 11352 “Energy management - Companies providing energy services (ESCo)”. The certification attests the high organizational, diagnostic, planning and management standards of Whitenergy, as well as the economic and financial capacity available to clients for the improvement of energy efficiency with guaranteed results.
UNI EN ISO 9001:2015
Whitenergy is also certified under the UNI EN ISO 9001 standardfor “Consultations in the energy sector. Implementation of energy efficiency projects”.
UNI CEI 11339:2009
Whitenergy employs professionals certified under UNI CEI 11339: 2009 as “Experts in Energy Management”, EEM, Industrial Sector.
Whitenergy employs professionals certified as CMVPs (Certified Measurement and Verification Professional). Energy savings certified under the IMPVP protocol provide a series of added guarantees:
- to suppliers and customers of EPC contracts (Energy Performance Contracts) for which the protocol provides information on actual savings obtained, thereby avoiding disputes;
- to credit institutions that finance projects, who can be sure of the economic flows deriving from savings, as they are certified by a third party.
Whitenergy gained the title of innovative start-up in December 2016.