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Advanced Management of Energy Efficiency Certificates

White FIX

What are Energy Efficiency Certificates

The Energy Efficiency Certificates (TEE), or White Certificates, are negotiable securities that certify savings in electricity or fossil fuels, each corresponding to one ton of oil equivalent.

According to the TEE system it is mandatory for electricity and natural gas distributors to achieve certain primary energy savings targets each year. The subjects can also meet this obligation by purchasing the TEEs from an ESCo (Energy Service Company), on a specific stock exchange market (TEE Market).

The White Fix Service

The WHITE FIX service allows TEE beneficiary companies to implement a sales strategy that simultaneously ensures the security of the fixed price, the Minimum Guaranteed Price (PMG), and the market indexing,only in the positive periods of price increase with respect to the PGM.

In this way, the beneficiary companies reduce fluctuations in TEE prices, remaining aligned only with the upward phases of the market. Moreover, beneficiary companies enjoy the security of a guaranteed minimum price to repay mortgage and leasing instalments on energy efficiency measures put into place

Who is it for

WHITE FIX is designed for all companies in the industrial, manufacturing, agri-food and services sectors wishing to begin advanced management of their TEE portfolio, which better responds to their financial and positioning needs with respect to fluctuating stock market prices.

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